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No .csv and .eso output file from simulation

Hello to all, fortunately I managed to create a model without errors using sketchup and openstudio and I simulated it afterwards. I received various file formats, but no csv-format and no eso-format. However, if I simulate a sample file from EnergyPlus, I get these formats automatically. I have compared both IDFs (my own and the sample file) in the IDF editor, but cannot find any corresponding settings to the outout formats that are different. How and where can I set the output file-formats? Or do I need to change the source code to get the file formats? I am already a bit desperate and do not know how to look at and evaluate my results. Therefore I am glad about every hint!

(I have also tried the solution with sql and tableau. However, I do not know tableau and work mostly with excel.)

No .csv and .eso output file from simulation

Hello to all, fortunately I managed to create a model without errors using sketchup and openstudio and I simulated it afterwards. I received various file formats, but no csv-format and no eso-format. However, if I simulate a sample file from EnergyPlus, I get these formats automatically. I have compared both IDFs (my own and the sample file) in the IDF editor, but cannot find any corresponding settings to the outout formats that are different. How and where can I set the output file-formats? Or do I need to change the source code to get the file formats? I am already a bit desperate and do not know how to look at and evaluate my results. Therefore I am glad about every hint!

(I have also tried the solution with sql and tableau. However, I do not know tableau and work mostly with excel.)