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There are two basic solutions:

  1. Pre-process the weather file to identify the periods of high solar resource and appropriate time of day (sun angle), then use this information to create the HVAC setpoint schedule.

  2. Use the EnergyPlus Energy Management System (EMS) scripting language, i.e., an EMS program to adjust the HVAC setpoint schedule on the fly. For example, you could use an EMS sensor on the Generator Produced DC Electricity Energy and then use an EMS actuator to adjust the Schedule Value of your HVAC setpoint schedule. Note that depending on the EMS Calling Point of your program and what you are trying to actuate, there may be a 1-timestep lag between sensing the PV production and changing the HVAC setpoint. Note that the documentation has examples of different EMS applications, like this one for computing a setpoint schedule based on hour of day and day of week.