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OpenStudio application-> OpenStudio Results-> Zone Overview-> Zone Sensible Cooling and Heating Sensible Sizing. This shows calculated sensible design loads for heating and cooling as well as design loads with any sizing factor that was use in the simulation settings tab.

You can also find this information in the EnergyPlus Results-> Initialization Summary-> Zone Sizing Information.

The values on these tables represent the actual zone sensible load and do not include external inefficiencies (ie. motors, fans, coils, compressors, etc.) or heating/cooling of ventilation air.

If you want to know the latent values, you will have to use the output variable "Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Rate". Alternatively, you can also use the output variable "Zone Total Internal Total Heating Rate" to see the total sensible+latent.

The EnergyPlus Input Output Reference manual ( gives a detailed description of these on page 264.